Due to popular demand, I tried the bidet! Can someone tell me if I did this right? Or how exactly this is supposed to work? It doesn't feel right for me 😅 I will be sticking to my regular toilet paper which has served me perfectly fine for 27 years, thank you very much. Europe you can keep your bidets.
Side note, I am not sure why but this video felt SO incredibly intimate for me haha. There is something so weird about sharing anything around bathroom habits. Like how come I can go streaking naked down a street in broad daylight, but talking about something we all do every day makes me super uncomfortable? Life is weird.
Due to popular demand, I tried the bidet! Can someone tell me if I did this right? Or how exactly this is supposed to work? It doesn't feel right for me 😅 I will be sticking to my regular toilet paper which has served me perfectly fine for 27 years, thank you very much. Europe you can keep your bidets.
Side note, I am not sure why but this video felt SO incredibly intimate for me haha. There is something so weird about sharing anything around bathroom habits. Like how come I can go streaking naked down a street in broad daylight, but talking about something we all do every day makes me super uncomfortable? Life is weird.