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This still makes me chuckle, hoe 4 life x
Shakin’ it ❤️
I wanna boost my likes on here, so for tonight I wanna offer a lil incentive for you folks. If you can go like 30+ of my posts I’ll give you a free dick rating 🥳 Message me once you’ve done so I can get a rating done for you ❤️
Teasing is good for ya
Taking a break from cleaning to show you my pussy 🐱
Maid to please..
I’m currently offering 50% off for TEXT and AUDIO dick ratings! 🥳 Texts are $5 and audios are $10! I’m also sending along a nude with your order. Please drop me a message if you’re interested, I can get it done the same day you ask ❤️
I can’t think of a good caption so here’s my butt!
A lil flash
I said goddamn 💀
I don’t do pussy pics too much, should I take more??
Guys I won’t lie to you.. I was absolutely watching TV while I did this pic
I rarely do this pose but holy hell I need to do it more 😈
Serious question time.. front or back?
How’s your Halloween night going? Feel free to message and chat with me, I’m up and watching horror movies 🎃🦇🧛🏻♀️
Aren’t I just the EMBODIMENT of sexy. Just pure CLASS. Absolute fucking moron 😭
Feeling… horny. I’ll see myself out now
Went out for a date last night, we saw the new Halloween… pls don’t go watch it. Or if you do take *lots* of alcohol with you because you’ll need it 💀
ATTENTION pls… In honour of Halloween 🎃 and because I’m feeling super awesome right now.. 💃🏻 I’m doing 50% off TEXT DICK RATINGS! 🍾 $5 for me to write out (in detail) what I think of your dick along with a lil nude pic 🤓 Drop me a message if you want one 🧛🏻♀️
Happy Halloween!!! 🎉🥳 Spooky season is my favourite so I hope y’all have enjoyed my outfits (I have more on the way don’t worry!!) 🧛🏻♀️🦇🎃
Should I post the full video tonight?? 🤔
Little Red Riding hood is stacked!
I’ve been seriously into the Halloween spirit this year!! 🍾🎉🥳
My my… what big boobs you have 👀
My favourite outfit yet.. Little Red Riding Hood ❤️
Was gonna cut the sound out but you can hear It’s Always Sunny on in the background so I think this gives you an idea of what I watch while banging out my content 🤙🏻
My rolls showing through my leotard tho 🤓
More leopard print because why not?! Guys it’s Halloween tomorrow, my favourite holiday!!! So excited 💃🏻
I meant to upload this yesterday but I literally slept all day 😅 Anyway here’s the video, lemme know what you think ❤️
Swipe to whip a tit out
I’ve been taking like a bunch of baths lately (like so many, imagine Demi Moore in The Scarlett Letter and add lush bath bombs to the mix) So I basically look like a disco ball half the time. I smell insane tho so that’s nice.
My camera roll is filled with leopard print and my eyes HURT
Something I think about a lot is how if you guys saw me in person this is basically how I’d be dressed. I know I create porn and all that jazz but I’m still very normal (even if I dress a bit weird)
Happy spooky season my babes, I hope you’ve enjoyed this outfit ❤️
This view makes me look so chunky I love it so much 😈
Something tells me I shouldn’t go trick or treating in this costume…
Something tells me this won’t be appreciated to go trick or treating in.. 🤔
Feeling puuuuurfect 🐱
Content days are fun cause outfit mishaps like this happen 👏🏻
Oh hi there 🥰
Been kinda MIA the past two days so I do apologise!! I have some lovely spooky stuff planned that I can hopefully start tomorrow ❤️
Thighs are looking extra chunky today!
Can this kitty come sit on your lap? 🐱
Some cute after shower pics 💕
Just before it goes in..
Bathin’ boobs 🛁