
So on this profile you will see less posts but you will be getting the same amount as elsewhere. Since this site groups followers and subs on the same page, it's far easier to wait until I'm fully done editing a photo set and post it all together so people can buy the set too. There will still be occasional other posts, teasers for vids ect. And you will still unlock the posts your qualify for and be getting the same amount of content. So don't be alarmed that I'm not spamming posts here. You'll just be getting much bigger posts but less of them. ❤️

Published: May 30th 2024, 1:54:57 pm


So on this profile you will see less posts but you will be getting the same amount as elsewhere. Since this site groups followers and subs on the same page, it's far easier to wait until I'm fully done editing a photo set and post it all together so people can buy the set too. There will still be occasional other posts, teasers for vids ect. And you will still unlock the posts your qualify for and be getting the same amount of content. So don't be alarmed that I'm not spamming posts here. You'll just be getting much bigger posts but less of them. ❤️