πAprils Chastity Challenge π
It's here! My OPEN Chaster lock for all my subscribers to have fun with!
All subscribers can join, fail and try again...
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π Details:
π LINK: https://chaster.app/explore/63da2132d8d06e8b616205ea
π Password: See Images!
π Tasks: https://jstrieb.github.io/link-lock/#eyJ2IjoiMC4wLjEiLCJlIjoiMjIrckhVZmpkZFZzNmNhVE5YaVN3T0lkU0FMdC9qUjd6dHZyc2xHWjRBZ3NTYkdsNWsybVBMaWFUMjR6UU5ZV0xyb01PYmpyT0NtR1FPVXpqR0dEc0NkZkNlWDkxSVJYRE1iUUdlUnltS21aM3N5ZnpuWkZtVXc4YWUzTEhoNUhsRmM9IiwiaSI6Ik5RZC9CQTNBYjFWVUNQbVAifQ==
π Password: See Images!
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I've created 70 unique tasks that allow you to pick from two...
Hopefully this creates a task list that everyone can find some enjoyment in!
it's also been built in a way, that will allow me to update or change the task list at any time... keeping it fresh.
So with that mind, suggestions, mistakes or issues... DM me!
x April x
Published: February 1st 2023, 4:20:00 pm
πAprils Chastity Challenge π
It's here! My OPEN Chaster lock for all my subscribers to have fun with!
All subscribers can join, fail and try again...
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π Details:
π LINK: https://chaster.app/explore/63da2132d8d06e8b616205ea
π Password: See Images!
π Tasks: https://jstrieb.github.io/link-lock/#eyJ2IjoiMC4wLjEiLCJlIjoiMjIrckhVZmpkZFZzNmNhVE5YaVN3T0lkU0FMdC9qUjd6dHZyc2xHWjRBZ3NTYkdsNWsybVBMaWFUMjR6UU5ZV0xyb01PYmpyT0NtR1FPVXpqR0dEc0NkZkNlWDkxSVJYRE1iUUdlUnltS21aM3N5ZnpuWkZtVXc4YWUzTEhoNUhsRmM9IiwiaSI6Ik5RZC9CQTNBYjFWVUNQbVAifQ==
π Password: See Images!
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I've created 70 unique tasks that allow you to pick from two...
Hopefully this creates a task list that everyone can find some enjoyment in!
it's also been built in a way, that will allow me to update or change the task list at any time... keeping it fresh.
So with that mind, suggestions, mistakes or issues... DM me!
x April x