
blowing up bigger than ever at (at least) 425 pumps* 🖤🖤🖤 do you think i can take more? *i lost count a couple times around the 380+ range, so the actual number might be a little more or a little less. i pump a bit more in the video where im sitting, but you probably can't see my hand too well/at all. anyway, this was WILD and i felt SO huge!!

Published: July 18th 2024, 11:00:48 pm

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blowing up bigger than ever at (at least) 425 pumps* 🖤🖤🖤 do you think i can take more? *i lost count a couple times around the 380+ range, so the actual number might be a little more or a little less. i pump a bit more in the video where im sitting, but you probably can't see my hand too well/at all. anyway, this was WILD and i felt SO huge!!