
bluejay712 | Page 9

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I know it’s been a minute but my January was off to a rough start so I finally was able to take myself to a redo New Year’s Eve dinner! I had a glass of red wine and steak frites I couldn’t finish but I was too shy to wear the dress I picked out for new years especially, since it is covered in sequins and going out by yourself covered in sequins is just… a lot 😅 This video is going out to anyone who tipped generously for my do over NYE dinner and yes of course you can still contribute! This is the tamest part of the video for all of you lovely subs, right after this I take my dress off and accidentally flash nip twice (I censored them, but just for like, a general feel for this video I was kinda more tipsy than usual 😅) Due to the nip slip (again, they are censored) I end up talking a lot about my nipples, you’re welcome? I guess? A very chatty video altogether if you were ever curious about the drank-enough-to-eliminate-her-filter Bluejay 😅 And for those worried, it was a glass of wine and some cider, I am totally responsible I am just a light weight lol. I’ve never even had a hangover so pls don’t worry about my drinking I am the biggest control freak and hate being out of control. Also! This video is four whole minutes, and we’ve got lots of chatting, booty in a thong, and it was cold as frick outside so I am a bit nipply in the slip I change into for bed (not censored 😘) so last time it was pay for my expensive drink- this time it’s pay for my expensive entree (minimum $30) to unlock the vid!


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