We've all had sucky weeks right? Well I've been having a pretty tough week this week lol.
Well not the whole week just the last leg of it (Weds-Fri) My laptop is broken, I cried at work, Got scammed and I had hopes of planning a weekend gateway but my plans were foiled.
It's like I'm the protagonist of a Shitty soap opera LMAO. But looking at the positives you guys have been supportive, kind and pretty chill and understanding! From supporting my birthday wishlist, checking in, to making me feel like a million bucks.
Thank you. Also please don't feel bad for me. I'll be okay I promise. As long as you're here I'll be fine. This too shall pass.
I don't have any games today but I'm posting something 🔥 tommorow.
If you read all this dm me "🍪" and I'll send you a cookie. See you tomorrow....