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Did you know that sexual fantasy is strongly tied to politic..

Did you know that sexual fantasy is strongly tied to political affiliation? Apparently, Democrats are significantly more likely to be into BDSM. Republicans are significantly more likely to be into hotwifing, cuckolding, swinging, and have cheating fantasies. The researchers theorize that the reason for this is because psychologically, sexual fantasy is strongly tied in to fear. People fantasize most about things which they fear. It's the reason why so many women fantasize about violent nonconsensual sex -- because it's what they fear. This does not mean that they actually ever desire to experience sex like this in real life. I have noticed this myself too. Every time I have met somebody who has been super into S&M, it's almost always been somebody who is a huge feminist. To a feminist and a liberal, their biggest fear is inequality and to be treated like property by a man. And S&M is all about humiliation and degradation and imbalance of power dynamics. To a Republican or conservative, their biggest fear is breaking of the marriage or the family unit. So it makes perfect sense why extramarital affairs would be their biggest fantasy. Since my audience is primarily into hotwifing/swinging/cuckolding/group sex, I'm curious about this and want to take a poll. Are you a Democrat or Republican, and do you primarily have Democrat or Republican fantasies? If you answered that you are an independent, please specify which type (Green Party, libertarian, communist, etc.). As for me, I would probably classify myself as politically moderate with stereotypically Republican sexual fantasies. And here are a few sources that cite this:


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