Hi, so I am always transparent as hell on here, so I will continue to be like that because I like to keep you updated on my crazy life. We ended up not having our elderly dog euthanized because the vet said that while she does have severe dementia, we can try to manage it with medications and see how she feels. This way she can peacefully pass away on her own we hope.
Besides this, my other dog who is also getting pretty old is now at the emergency vet getting tests done. ): unfortunately it’s at that point where all my pets are getting old and starting to show that and it hurts a lot. I just dropped 7k on her because they initially thought she may have heart disease but now they are testing for everything under the sun infection related because they believe she could possibly have some kind of bronchitis or pneumonia. She’s currently staying overnight so please keep my babygirl in your thoughts and prayers.