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I tried to crank the volume on this one a little bit? Cause I know a lot of my recordings come out a little quiet. So just be aware of that! I also used my webcam so that I could still use my phone to look at porn ;P So sorry if the quality isn't as good as it is with my phone! Also-also, no, you don't get to know what porn I was looking at, that's a secret ;)
Happy Thursday! A new thing, as promised! I'm not sure I'll do this again because my goodness was it difficult; I'm almost too short for the bike when I'm NOT trying to fuck it so xD But I do hope you all like it while it's here! ;P
You can thank Spots for this one lol
GUYS. PornHub sent me a bunch of STUFF. So here's me trying it on for you, complete with Cozy-ber at the end ;P
Not the best quality video haha, it was a really spontaneous thing. I don't normally use this dildo but it was lookin real good that day 🙈
Want a cowgirl lapdance?
Bitch I'm a cow Bitch I'm a cow I'm not a cat I don't say meow (You can google that it's a real song)
Handing out bj's in my crop top ;)
My latest crochet project! ^^ Cute and also sexy 😎
Some final bunny girl booty and feetsies!
Bunny bunny 🐇🐇🐇
Just imagine I'm holding a tray in that first shot :P
More crochet bikini fun ;P Fun fact I broke the string off the bottoms right before filming this so I have to fix that xD
Took a shower, needed to lotion myself up ;P
Some still shots in the bikini! :3
My new crochet bikini ;P
My phone has this nifty little feature where I can wave at it to start recording...but sometimes it registers my hand when I'm not trying. This was one of those times that I figured I would make the most of xD
Some exercises someone paid me for that I didn't get around to on stream :P
I'm soft! Picked this up during our little overnight trip. Spots has found yet another reason to manhandle me on a regular basis as a result lol
Spots and I had an overnight stay in a hotel recently, just for fun. We haven't been out much in the last...few years >_> And I took some cute lil shots the morning before we left!
More feet stuff, for my good boys!
I got some new boots this week. You know what that means right? You should be licking them, is what it means.
I was going to do this just for me but then I thought "eh, why not film it", and then I thought, "eh, why not draw this one out". And so, you get an edging video ;)
Slightly longer video than usual because I've been neglecting you guys a bit <3
I don't have video content but I was having fun taking stills the other day so I wanted to share them :3
Yo we got that 1080/60 now?! I'm not sure how noticeable it is, but my previous phone only recorded 30fps. All you nerdy bois will probably see it lol
This is as close to Valentine's Day content as anyone is going to get out of me this year xD I got chocolate on my face during the latter half ;w;
I seem to be attracting more feet bois lately (and y'all keep asking for footjobs as a result) sooooo I am here to provide ;)
Realized I forgot to include a very important thing during the workout video. I did squats, but didn't do them over the camera! Silly me ;) There's also a wee bit of twerking in there. Not a long video overall though, sorry about that, but it was something I thought would be cute~
Realized I forgot to include a very important thing during last week's workout video. I did squats, but didn't do them over the camera! Silly me ;) There's also a wee bit of twerking in there. Not a long video overall though, sorry about that, but it was something I thought would be cute~
Lil yoga/exercise video? Nothing serious but it was fun ^^
A little footy video :P
Boss lady Amber strikes again~ A little foot stuff, a little bj stuff, and a bunch of mean girl stuff :P
Why don't ya do right?~
Trying out the POV clit play suggestion I received ^^ This is not an angle I can say I've ever tried to film from hahah
Alright there was a part of me that wanted to scrap this video but I still think you can get some enjoyment out of it. Plus I really needed you all to see how the camera slowly pans to the left because the tripod was loose. It's okay, you can point and laugh, I did xD
I know someone mentioned doing a shower video, coincidentally I had already planned on that! But I did not plan to stick a dildo to a wall, so thank you to the person who commented hahaha Wishing you all a happy new year :)
A silly clip. Thursday's will be longer and less ridiculous :P
Another long one, you get me a cute costume gift and just can't keep your dick outta me after I model it for you :P I hope you all had a lovely holiday :)
The reindeer makeup returns for another year ;) And I got a different plug for the tail so it actually stays in :P
Am I using the tree as a background too often? Maybe. Am I going to keep doing it until this month is over? Yeah, definitely. I know I don't have too much content that's just me fingering myself, so here ya go ^^
A cheesy video for you today :P Sorry about my camera? I turned on all the lights in the house it's just old and sucks ;-;
Cute little titty tease, inspired by some customs I've done in the past.
Cumming in the winter sun~
Happy December ;)
More "boyfriend" video! Unfortunately the quality of this vid isn't super amazing because my phone camera has definitely degraded over time and doesn't like anything less than broad daylight anymore xD and sadly, it gets dark here at like 4 now, thanks Daylight Savings 😭
"Boyfriend" blowjob video!